What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is energetic medicine. The vital energy or life force on which acupuncture principles are based is call qi (pronounced chee). Qi is believed to circulate through the body along channels called meridians. Most acupuncture points are found along these pathways. Because acupuncture regulates the body’s energetic flow, deficiencies or excesses of energy that can adversely affect one’s health can be rebalanced by stimulation of the proper acu-points. This procedure can re-channel and alleviate the energy blockages and allow the body to heal itself.
Modern research has shown acupuncture to increase the body’s resistance to disease by stimulating the immunologic, neurologic, hormonal, and metabolic defense activities. Today this ancient theory has been researched in numerous countries around the world and shown to be based in scientific fact.
According to ancient Chinese principles, the human body is not merely a combination of mechanical and chemical parts, but an integrated, energetic system whose health depends on keeping all its elements in balance. Unfortunately, there are many factors that can throw the system out of balance, ranging from poor nutrition to pollution, from hereditary factors to trauma. When imbalance occurs, pain or illness can result.
The doctor of the future will give no medicines, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the causes and prevention of disease. Thomas Edison